Matching Grant Program
2024 National Championships, Milwaukee WI
Milwaukee Lake Park LBA is proud to host the 2024 National Championships from September 7-14. Despite having less than 100 members, the club is undertaking the significant endeavor of organizing this prestigious event, which comes with a hefty price tag of over $14,000.
To support Milwaukee in this endeavor, the Bowls Development Fund is collaborating with them to raise funds for the championships. For every dollar raised by the Milwaukee club, the Bowls Development Fund will match it up to a maximum of $3,000.
Milwaukee is already working diligently to raise funds for the event, and Bowls USA is providing partial funding, additional support is crucial.
We invite you to contribute to the Matching Grants Program to assist Milwaukee in reaching their fundraising goals and ensuring the success of the 2024 National Championships. Every contribution makes a meaningful difference in supporting the growth and excellence of lawn bowls in the United States.

What are the National Championships?
The National Championships, an annual tradition since 1957, is a premier bowls event of Bowls USA, crowning both men's and women's champions in singles and pairs.
While Bowls USA sponsors the event, it is hosted by one of the seven divisions and one or more of its member clubs.
Competitors in the National Championships must be United States citizens and members of an affiliated Bowls USA club, who won their divisional qualifier called the playdowns. This requirement ensures that all divisions of the United States are represented. In total, 48 qualifiers meet to compete for gold and silver medals.
The Bowls Development Fund provides partial sponsorships for the 48 competitors. We welcome your financial donations.​